Welcome to the Ann Arbor High School Class of 1963 Website!

As we approach our 65th reunion, we’re excited to reconnect and celebrate the shared memories that unite us as Pioneers. This website is here to keep the spirit of our class alive, providing a place to share updates, reflect on our journey, and look forward to gathering again. Whether it’s details about upcoming events or highlights from past reunions, this site is your go-to resource for staying connected.

Let’s continue to relive the memories, celebrate our milestones, and keep the bonds strong as we look forward to this special reunion and beyond.

Lend a Hand for Our Legacy

As we move towards our 60th reunion,, we still welcome your donations which are used for the continuing expenses of your Reunion Committee. We use donations funds to support classmates that need assistance. We also support the local community in your interest such as a recent donations to Tappan and Slauson.

If you would like to help out with any size of donation, it would be greatly appreciated! Simply click the link below and enter a dollar amount to donate via PayPal or credit card. Your donations are very much appreciated, thank you!

As always, your ideas and suggestions are welcome, just send us a note to aahs@aahs63.com and let us know what you are thinking.

Thank You!

Recent Articles

  • On Septeber 26, 1962, it was announced publicly that twenty-two Ann Arbor High seniors had become simi-finalists in the National Merit Scholarship Program. This group is the largest from any single school in Michigan, and probably among the top twenty schoolls in thge nation. Can you identify who any of them are?

    May 21, 2017
  • It's hard to believe it's been nearly five years since our 50th reunion in Ann Arbor. We don't want to let this milestone go by without the opportunity to get together again! Your reunion committee has been working hard to put a reunion gathering together on Saturday, July 14th, 2018. We hope you will make plans to attend.

    February 20, 2017
  • Tabler, David 9/11/1936 - 12/26/2016 Ann Arbor David E. Tabler, of Ann Arbor, MI, passed [...]

    January 6, 2017
  • Another year has almost passed, and as the new year approaches your Reunion Committee is busy making plans for our Class of ’63 55th Reunion in 2018. However, we need some input from you.

    December 23, 2016
  • Your Class of ’63 Reunion Committee is flying high to keep you connected! The 2016 Annual Event was held on Saturday, July 9, 2016 at Buffalo Wild Wings, 3150 Boardwalk Drive, here in Ann Arbor.

    May 20, 2016